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5And the apostles said to the Lord, "Increase our faith."6So the Lord said, "If you have faith as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be pulled up by the roots and be planted in the sea,’ and it would obey you."

When the Pharisees heard the new law of the love of Christ, they became silent and could not bring any proof against the teaching of the Son of God, for the new law with regard to the old law is like heaven above the earth. But the apostles asked Christ trembling, "O Lord, increase our faith, and give us a working faith in love, which does not neglect the good, and does not cause offences, but forgives as God does." Then Christ answered them striking on their trembling hearts, "If you have very little faith, you can do impossible things. You can say to the fruitless mulberry tree, which is like the Jewish people, ‘Be pulled up by the roots,’ through the testimony of your faith, and then you carry it to the sea of nations that it may bear its fruit in this sea, the fruit which was not produced on good earth." The apostles’ though became frozen through astonishment. They did not understand what Christ meant, nor did they realize the aim of every true faith. So Christ had to make them understand that salvation is not only limited to them, but is also given to every man who believes in him. Today, the Holy Spirit leads us to missionary prayer and services in testimony that the sea of nations may be filled with the power of our Lord Jesus Christ, and millions of people may bear the fruit, which the Jews should have borne if they had confessed Jesus, and accepted the message of the gospel.
Are you a believer? If yes, then lift up the prayer of faith to your heavenly Father, and ask him to plant his eternal life into the wilderness of your surroundings. This is impossible for the human mind, but is possible with God. Pray and do not doubt, for Christ intercedes for the faithful prayer that it may avail much. Then you will see how the love of the Father becomes poured out into the hearts of the repentant, and they become filled with the fruit of the Holy Spirit, not causing offences, but forgiving their enemies’ iniquities at all times.